We have a number of statutory responsibilities relating to school admissions and exclusions. As an admission authority, we make arrangements for parents to appeal against school admission decisions, via the forum of an Independent Appeal Panel.
We also make arrangements for parents to appeal against school exclusion decisions, via the forum of an Independent Review Panel (IRP).
We are currently seeking volunteers to sit on these panels as Independent Panel Members.
The role of an Independent Panel Member – Admission Appeals
Appeal panels are responsible for examining cases in which parents wish to contest a refusal by a school’s admissions authority to admit a child. Appeal panels perform a judicial function and must be -
- transparent
- accessible
- independent
- impartial
- operate according to principles of natural justice
A panel must consist of the following persons, with at least one from each category -
- lay people (someone without personal experience in the management of any school or provision of education in any school (except as a school governor or in another voluntary capacity)
- people who have experience in education, who are acquainted with educational conditions in the local authority area, or who are parents of registered pupils at school
The constitution of admission appeal panels and the conduct of appeals are governed by regulations and legislation. Further information can be obtained from the Department for Education
Membership of Appeal Panels is constituted in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and some people may not be eligible to serve.
The role of an Independent Panel Member – Exclusion Appeals
Review panels are responsible for examining cases in which parents wish to contest a governing body’s decision to uphold a child’s permanent exclusion from a school. IRPs contribute to a robust process of scrutiny to ensure that exclusions are lawful, reasonable, and procedurally fair.
A panel must consist of the following persons, with at least one from each category -
- a lay member to chair the panel who has not worked in any school in a paid capacity, disregarding any experience as a school governor or volunteer.
- current or former school governors (of a maintained school, members of a PRU management committees and directors of academy trusts) who have served as a governor for at least 12 consecutive months in the last five years, provided they have not been teachers or headteachers during that time.
- headteachers or individuals who have been a headteacher within the last 5 years
The constitution of IRPs and the conduct of appeals are governed by regulations and legislation. Further information can be obtained from the Department for Education.
Please note that some candidates may not be eligible to serve on IRPs. See paragraph 162 of the guidance for more information.
Independent Panel Member Attributes
Independent Panel Members fulfil a vital and valued role in the school admissions appeal process and schools exclusions process. Candidates should therefore possess the following attributes -
- interpersonal and communication skills
- literacy skills, with an ability to question and analyse information
- integrity, with a commitment to fairness and impartiality
- reliability and resilience
- IT Skills preferable (Appeals are usually conducted via MS Teams)
Next Steps
Training will be provided to all Independent Panel Members in preparation for the role. Although the role is voluntary, candidates are entitled to expenses, such as travel and subsistence allowances when attending appeals and training.
If you are interested in becoming an Independent Panel Member or would like more information about either roles, you can contact the officer listed below -
Philip Todd (Democratic Services Officer)
Email - school.appeals@hullcc.gov.uk