We are looking for one independent person to help to review our Councillor Allowance Scheme. 

We are required to appoint independent members to form a Panel (the Independent Remuneration Panel) to periodically review the allowances payable to it Councillors (Elected Members).

The Panel provides advice to us on the level of allowances it thinks should be paid. If you have the following knowledge and skills, we would welcome your application. We are also looking to appoint independent members to our Audit Committee to ensure there is an external perspective to the work of the Committee. 

We are looking for candidates with the following skills and knowledge -

  • ability to use common sense to assess complex situations
  • knowledge of public sector finance
  • knowledge of public sector governance and decision-making arrangements
  • ability to seek, give advice and contribute to the work of the Committee/Panel in a professional manner
  • ideally you will have knowledge or experience of participating on boards or committees in the public, private or third sector

A small allowance for attending meetings is payable to those appointed.

If you are interested, see the role profiles and application information pack for more details.