I have always wanted to be in a position where I could help people and make a difference in their lives and am proudly in the third generation of women in my family to have a career in social care.
I grew up in a very rural background and spent the first 6 years of my career working in Early years settings, but knew I wanted to have more impact. It was not until 2008 when I moved to Hull to study that I began to understand about the highlighted role of multi-agency working following the tragic death of Victoria Climbie, and this led me to become more interested in the social work profession.
I spent some time working in administrative roles within local authority safeguarding services as I did not have a social work qualification until an opportunity arose for me to apply for the ‘Step up to Social Work’ programme in 2014.
This was pivotal in my career and without the opportunity to study on the programme I would have not mean in a position to become qualified.
Since qualifying with a Post Graduate Diploma in 2015 I have spent time as a Safeguarding Social Worker in a variety of teams, and working as a Fostering Connected Person’s assessor.
I have also been fortunate enough to spend time as a Social Worker in Schools.
My current role as Practice Educator as part of the social work academy is one that I hold with a lot of pride.
Being able to work and support students, apprentices and ASYEs daily has been an absolute honour, and I love watching each student grow because of the rich learning environment on the front line of social work.
I deliver training, undertake peer supervision, coordinate placements, and spend time with the social workers who support students, to ensure the learning opportunities in Hull are the best they can possibly be so we can watch the newest members of our team grow.
It is a very rewarding role and I learn so much from each student that comes on placement or on the apprenticeship.
In my personal time I am completely family orientated and a proud mum. I like to take time away from work switching off in the gym and I am planning to beat my record of a 100kg barbell deadlift.